Deionized Water Versus Distilled Drinking Water
Drinking water can be a complicated topic – from filtration and treatment to bottled water and pitcher filters, it can be hard to know what kind of water is the right choice for you, and your home. Things can get even more complicated when you consider the different qualifications of water, like distilled and deionized water, which feel like they come in and out of popularity. It’s important to pay attention to how water is qualified because this can indicate significant differences for how water is used, and even whether or not it’s recommended for drinking.
Distilled Water
For example, distilled water is water that has been boiled to create purified water free of contaminants and impurities like chlorine and dissolved solids. And while this may sound great, it’s not actually an ideal solution for drinking water. Distilled water is safe to drink, but because the distillation process removes many of the naturally-occurring, and helpful, minerals from water, using this type of water as your daily drinking water could end up causing more harm than good in the long run.
What Should I Use Distilled Water For?
Even if you don’t plan on using distilled water for drinking, there are some helpful applications for distilled water around the house. Health equipment like CPAP machines and humidifiers typically run more efficiently when you use distilled water with them. Your iron, and clothes, will benefit from distilled water, and it generally meets vehicle standards for car maintenance. Additionally, distilled water is often recommended for aquariums, and can be used to water houseplants.
Deionized Water
Deionized water, like distilled water, is a very pure form of water. Where they differ is that deionized water is water that has had all the ions removed from it. This means that it typically needs to be used in tandem with another type of treatment, such as Reverse Osmosis, to ensure that all contaminants are properly eliminated from it.
Deionized water is also referred to as ‘demineralized water’ because like distilled water, the deionization process removes nearly all minerals from the water. And like distilled water, this means that while it is safe to drink, it may not be the best solution for your drinking water needs as it removes beneficial minerals many of us rely on getting from our tap water.
What Should Deionized Water Be Used For?
Deionized (DI) water is commonly used in scientific applications where experiments using water can be counted on to be 100% pure, leading to more predictable and repeatable results. This type of water is also used in pharmaceutical applications for safety and consistency reasons.
If you have any questions or concerns about your drinking water, Culligan of Morro Bay is always happy to answer them. From understanding distilled water vs. deionized water to what kind of drinking water you should rely on at home for daily use, we’ll provide solutions for your unique water needs.